5.1 痴漢爬蟲(PTT表特版下載器)
窩豪喜翻這隻爬蟲R!!!! (被拖走
好惹, 這隻爬蟲顧名思義, 就是要去表特版爬圖, 然後把圖存到你的D槽電腦裡. 在這種場合下, 例外處理就很重要了, 因為任何錯誤都不能阻止痴漢爬圖R~
import requests
import time
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import os
import re
import urllib.request
import json
PTT_URL = 'https://www.ptt.cc'
def get_web_content(url):
resp = requests.get(url=url, cookies={'over18': '1'})
if resp.status_code != 200:
print('Invalid url: ' + resp.url)
return None
return resp.text
def get_articles(dom, date):
soup = BeautifulSoup(dom, 'html5lib')
paging_dev = soup.find('div', 'btn-group btn-group-paging')
prev_url = paging_dev.find_all('a')[1]['href']
articles = []
divs = soup.find_all('div', 'r-ent')
for div in divs:
if div.find('div', 'date').text.strip() == date:
push_count = 0
push_str = div.find('div', 'nrec').text
if push_str:
push_count = int(push_str)
except ValueError:
if push_str == '爆':
push_count = 99
elif push_str.startswith('X'):
push_count = -10
if div.find('a'):
href = div.find('a')['href']
title = div.find('a').text
author = div.find('div', 'author').text if div.find('div', 'author') else ''
'title': title,
'href': href,
'push_count': push_count,
'author': author
return articles, prev_url
def parse(dom):
soup = BeautifulSoup(dom, 'html.parser')
links = soup.find(id='main-content').find_all('a')
img_urls = []
for link in links:
if re.match(r'^https?://(i.)?(m.)?imgur.com', link['href']):
return img_urls
def save(img_urls, title):
if img_urls:
folder_name = title.strip()
for img_url in img_urls:
# e.g. 'http://imgur.com/9487qqq.jpg'.split('//') -> ['http:', 'imgur.com/9487qqq.jpg']
if img_url.split('//')[1].startswith('m.'):
img_url = img_url.replace('//m.', '//i.')
if not img_url.split('//')[1].startswith('i.'):
img_url = img_url.split('//')[0] + '//i.' + img_url.split('//')[1]
if not img_url.endswith('.jpg'):
img_url += '.jpg'
file_name = img_url.split('/')[-1]
urllib.request.urlretrieve(img_url, os.path.join(folder_name, file_name))
except Exception as e:
def main():
current_page = get_web_content(PTT_URL + '/bbs/Beauty/index.html')
if current_page:
articles = []
date = time.strftime("%m/%d").lstrip('0')
current_articles, prev_url = get_articles(current_page, date)
while current_articles:
articles += current_articles
current_page = get_web_content(PTT_URL + prev_url)
current_articles, prev_url = get_articles(current_page, date)
for article in articles:
print('Collecting beauty from:', article)
page = get_web_content(PTT_URL + article['href'])
if page:
img_urls = parse(page)
save(img_urls, article['title'])
article['num_image'] = len(img_urls)
with open('data.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
json.dump(articles, file, indent=2, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] pokcy 超好吃', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495876101.A.BEF.html', 'push_count': 3, 'author': 'ljislovej'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 求神此妹....', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495877463.A.5FA.html', 'push_count': 0, 'author': 'ymtk3280'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 正妹記者', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495877750.A.3ED.html', 'push_count': 0, 'author': 'ellemo'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 網路上看到的 求神', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495879474.A.F81.html', 'push_count': 4, 'author': 'thejackys'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[公告] wkheinz 水桶', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495815970.A.2AB.html', 'push_count': 18, 'author': 'ffwind'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] GAL GADOT', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495818616.A.AC7.html', 'push_count': 36, 'author': 'as314'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 有人認識最近龜甲萬醬油的女主角嗎?', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495843739.A.166.html', 'push_count': 0, 'author': 'DL3'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 職能治療師', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495853540.A.128.html', 'push_count': 0, 'author': 'catiesweet'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 我覺得後方的趴板好像滿好用的........', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495855959.A.AA1.html', 'push_count': 1, 'author': 'li08090627'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 越南', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495856490.A.735.html', 'push_count': 10, 'author': 'xuexiaomi'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 一張', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495858089.A.BE4.html', 'push_count': 10, 'author': 'iyowe'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 艾瑪史東', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495858709.A.AE9.html', 'push_count': 49, 'author': 'howgain'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 這樣我可以......', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495859133.A.819.html', 'push_count': 3, 'author': 'li08090627'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': 'Re: [神人]高雄左營麥當勞民族店員', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495859367.A.971.html', 'push_count': 3, 'author': 'poca777'}
HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 短髮清新', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495860044.A.E28.html', 'push_count': 17, 'author': 'kitagawa0822'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 這位短髮正妹是誰?', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495866159.A.57A.html', 'push_count': 3, 'author': 'fawangching'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 昨天看GOGORO2直播', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495866447.A.143.html', 'push_count': 8, 'author': 'jerry121937'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[正妹] 一張 一則影片', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495867850.A.267.html', 'push_count': 6, 'author': 'starmind2230'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 在woo遇到的正妹', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495870616.A.1D3.html', 'push_count': -10, 'author': 'qwe88599'}
Collecting beauty from: {'title': '[神人] 短髮正妹', 'href': '/bbs/Beauty/M.1495870739.A.E51.html', 'push_count': 0, 'author': 'llauoykcuf'}
Process finished with exit code 0
看著滿滿的表特圖, 我忽然覺得會寫Python真是太棒喇~
Last updated