1.2 Queue

什麼是Queue: Queue是一種特殊的線性表, 限定只能在表的一端進行插入(隊尾), 而在另一端進行刪除操作(隊頭), 特點是"先進先出"(FIFO).


  1. insert:在隊尾插入資料

  2. remove: 從隊頭移走資料

  3. peek: 查看隊頭的資料

Circular Queue: 為了避免queue未滿, 卻不能插入新資料項的問題, 可以讓隊頭隊尾的指標繞回陣列開始的位置, 這就是circular queue, 又稱作ring buffer.

Queue的效能: insert和remove的時間複雜度均為O(1)

一個簡單的circular queue的實作(原始碼點我):

package idv.carl.datastructures.queue;

 * @author Carl Lu
public class CircularQueue {
    private int[] queue;
    private int head;
    private int tail;

    // Number of elements in this queue
    private int elementCount;

    public CircularQueue(int length) {
        queue = new int[length];
        head = 0;
        tail = -1;
        elementCount = 0;

    public void insert(int element) {
        // Check the tail index already exceed the max length or not
        if (tail == queue.length - 1) {
            tail = -1;
        queue[tail] = element;

        if (elementCount > queue.length) {
            elementCount = queue.length;

    public int remove() {
        if (elementCount == 0) {
            return 0;
        int temp = queue[head];
        queue[head] = 0;
        // Check the head index already exceed the max length or not
        if (head == queue.length - 1) {
             * If the removed node is tail, it means that the next node will be removed must be the
             * head node since this is a circular queue, so reset head index to 0.
            head = 0;
        } else {
        return temp;

    public int peek() {
        return queue[head];

    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return elementCount == 0;

    public boolean isFull() {
        return elementCount == queue.length;

    public int getElementCount() {
        return elementCount;


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