1.1.4 Stack: Calculattion for Reverse Polish Notation
若是運算元, push to stack
若是運算子, 從stack中pop出兩個資料進行運算, 並把結果push入stack中
package idv.carl.datastructures.stack;
* @author Carl Lu
public class ReversePolishNotationCalculator {
private final static char ADD = '+';
private final static char MINUS = '-';
private final static char MULTIPLY = '*';
private final static char DIVIDE = '/';
public int calculate(String rpnExpression) {
Stack stack = new Stack(20);
char[] chars = rpnExpression.toCharArray();
// Step1. Obtain char from input sequentially
for (char c : chars) {
* Step2. Push the element into stack if it's a operand
* (here we only assume the operand is n, and 0 ≤ n ≤ 9)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
stack.push((int) c - '0');
* Step3. If it's a operator, pop two value from stack for calculation, then put the
* result back to the stack
else {
int latter = stack.pop();
int former = stack.pop();
int tmp = 0;
if (c == ADD) {
tmp = former + latter;
} else if (c == MINUS) {
tmp = former - latter;
} else if (c == MULTIPLY) {
tmp = former * latter;
} else if (c == DIVIDE) {
tmp = former / latter;
// Push back to the stack
return stack.pop();
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