1.7 Lazy Initialization Holder Class

這很饒舌, 其實就是說還是有辦法可以同時做到延遲載入且thread safe的, 以下直接用範例說明:

package idv.design.pattern.singleton.laztinitholder;

 * @author Carl Lu
public class Singleton {

    private Singleton() {


    public static Singleton getInstance() {
        return SingletonHolder.instance;

     * An inner class that with no any binding relationship with outer class instance,
     * this class will be loaded only when invoked, so it can also reach the goal of lazy loading.
    private static class SingletonHolder {
         * Initialize it statically and guaranteed thread safe by JVM
        private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();



這裡也只是在鋪梗而已, 真正讓人拍案叫絕的做法請見1.8小節.

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